Thursday, April 23, 2009

Gay forced out of partner's room...

Based on what we talked about in class yesterday, check out this really distrubing article...

Gay man says he was forced out of partner's room at OHSU

12:03 PM PDT on Thursday, April 23, 2009


PORTLAND -- A visit to Oregon Health and Science University hospital turned into a frustrating situation for a gay couple who said their rights as domestic partners were not honored until a lawyer got involved.
Video: Partner upset with OHSU

The domestic partner of a man who appeared to be near death was reportedly ordered to leave the room when it was time to make some major decisions about the patient.

This all started with a hospital visit. The patient, who only wanted to go by his first name of Christopher, was having trouble breathing. So his partner, Patrick took him to OHSU.

As Christopher was laying close to death, Patrick was told he had to leave the room and couldn't believe what the nurse was telling him.

"The nurse said, 'Christopher is very ill. There are some life and death decisions that have to be made and now is not the time for friends to be in the room.' I'm like, 'we don't have any friends in the room,'" recalled Patrick.

Under Oregon law, Patrick had the right to stay in the room because the pair had been legal domestic partners for nine months. Patrick found a lawyer who made a call to the hospital and after two and a half hours, he was allowed back inside.

OHSU officials told KGW this may be a case of human error.

"Truly. Every couple is welcome here. It doesn't matter what their relationship is... same sex or not. We understand it. And I'm really very sorry this happened to this particular couple," said Barbara Glidewell, a spokeswoman for OHSU.

The hospital has vowed to put staff members through additional training to make sure this doesn't happen again.

As for Christopher, his condition has improved and he was expected to go home Thursday to continue his recovery there.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Giving Tree

I personally am a huge fan of "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein. It has never ceased to make me cry, and ponder what it means to be a good friend. I chose to use this book with my first graders in a guided reading lesson yesterday and I thought it went over very well. So why is there always so much criticism about such a wonderful story? I remember my 348 teacher had a lot of negative feelings towards this book but I couldn't recall exactly what he said because I took it awhile ago.

According to
ome feminist critics, however, have faulted the book as a sexist parable in which the feminine tree sacrifices life and limb to meet the demands of a selfish, ungrateful male. Ellen Handler Spitz, for example, offered a harsh critique of the gender dynamics implicit in The Giving Tree. Spitz asserted that the book “presents as a paradigm for young children a callously exploitative human relationship”; Spitz continued, “It perpetuates the myth of the selfless, all-giving mother who exists only to be used and the image of a male child who can offer no reciprocity, express no gratitude, feel no empathy—an insatiable creature who encounters no limits for his demands.”

Yes, I understand where these comments are coming from. It does, however, make me question how much we are potentially over-analyzing childrens literature. Why can't you just love a book for the story? Why do you have to rip apart every minute detail and turn a beloved story into something that is sexist? I know it important to pick "good" literature, but can't something be considered good because you feel happy after you read it? I will always be a supporter of this wonderful book because it reminds me of childhood and brings a smile to my face...those initial feelings that I get after reading it is what makes literature something beautiful and happy to me.

Jobs in Michgan?!

Well some good news for the Michigan economy...finally! Check out this article about a new television and film complex opening up in the Detroit area! It's great that this State is becoming such a hot spot for film and other arts.

Allen Park To Be Site Of New Studio
Studio Would Bring Thousands Of Jobs

POSTED: Tuesday, January 6, 2009
UPDATED: 5:28 pm EDT April 14, 2009
ALLEN PARK, Mich. -- Michigan has landed a $146 million film and television production complex.

And project spokesman Roger Martin said Allen Park residents and laid-off auto workers will get "first crack" for jobs at Unity Studios Inc.'s 750,000-square-foot facility just outside Detroit.

The project was formally announced Tuesday afternoon in Allen Park, where the complex will be built on 104 acres of land.

Mayor Gary Burtka said the "very large studio complex" would be built near Interstate 94 and Southfield Road -- right behind the Big Tire.

The facility is to provide production services, including equipment rentals, sound and music recording facilities and animation design.

"We are not only bringing new investment to the burgeoning film production community in Michigan, we are putting in place the infrastructure for an industry that will support long-term job growth and opportunity in new, creative sectors," Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm said in a statement.

Unity said the complex initially will provide 83 direct jobs. That's expected to grow.

Mayor Burtka sees the project as a lifesaver for many jobless people in the area. "What it will do is it will put people that are out of work to work and help them stay in the city." Burtka said.

Michigan has been drawing more moviemakers since tax incentives went into effect last year. Officials in February announced planned production studios in Detroit and Pontiac that are expected to bring thousands of jobs.

In addition to the studio site, other commercial, retail and residential development would occur in tandem with this development.

Forty-foot walls would be built around the studio for security.

Burtka said the Allen Park Council and the Administration have done "everything we possibly can" over the last five months to make the deal happen.

"We've already looked at every empty building in the city and what we're trying to do is get it ready so when the spin-off businesses start to come, we're able to put them into an existing building," Burtka said.

People who live and work in Allen Park are excited about the idea of new business and the prospect of having Hollywood stars drop by.

"I would like to see a different heartbeat for the city," said Dimitre Adili, who runs a restaurant in Allen Park. "We'll have to switch to red carpets for the floor instead of black carpets."

"I think this is going to open up a whole new area for the film industry itself," said Burtka.

The project is the brainchild of former Detroiter Jimmy Lifton. He is a Hollywood movie-maker who is happy to bring the project back to his hometown. But Lifton did not just come back for sentimental reasons. "Really the deciding factor besides having a soft spot in my heart for my hometown really is the workforce and I have to tell you the ability to come in and work with and develop at a quick pace the kind of talent that we need to sustain an industry, you can't duplicate that in many places," Lifton said.

Find out more at the City of Allen Park's Web site

Ferndale-based S3 Entertainment Group has also partnered with a Texas-based production company to create the first TV series to be filmed and produced in the state of Michigan.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Racism in cartoons

Found an interesting clip on youtube about racism that's been shown in cartoons. Reminds me of what we talked about relating to Disney several weeks back. Check it out...some are shocking!

Website about visual literacy

For my TE402 class, our most recent assignment was to learn about a new "literacy" and display your new knowledge through the use of a technology that was new to you. I created a website about visual literacy. I thought I would share the link with you...who knows, maybe one of you can find it useful for one of your teaching classes!

Link for last post...

For some reason, the link option didn't work so just put this in your url for the last post about first impressions!

First Impressions

In many of the novels we've read this semester, we talk about stereotypes. Some issues we have discussed deal with gender, ethnicity, and religion. One issue that is not generally brought up is looks. Do we make presumptions about people that are not our society's ideal beauty type? Check this link out:

Did you think that such a majestic voice was going to come out of this "non-traditional" looking woman? Who am I to say that Susan Boyle is not beautiful? What makes someone beautiful anyway? I don't think it was right when the one judge said that "before you began, everyone was laughing at you." Would they have said that if she was better looking?

What do YOU think?