Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Post Numero Uno!

Ahhh my very first for TE448, how exciting. I used to have a blog back in the day that was more of a diary, versus a blog on a specific topic so this is new for me. I eventually gave up on the diary because I was in a long distance relationship at the time, and the guy would always check my blog to see what I was up to instead of calling me! I found it a bit stalkerish so I gave up on that, but this should be much better. It's amazing how many classes at MSU are using blogging this semester. I'm writing 3 seperate blogs this semester for teaching classes so hopefully I'll get pretty good at this! Well we wrote some autobiographical poems for our second class in childrens lit today to get to know each other better so I figured I'd post it on here:

A Jewish Pigeonhole

Let’s go out tonight…you have tons of money…
Then how did I just bounce my checking account?
Well, don’t your parents just give you their money?
My parents work hard and want me to do the same.
So aren’t you constantly complaining then?
I don’t feel sorry for myself, I have faith and strong values.
Well I’m sure you’ll have plenty of money soon, Jews are good with money.
Maybe, I know I’m not.
I thought Jews were supposed to be cheap, though?
If I was so cheap, I probably wouldn’t be broke.
So does your mother insist that you call her every day?
She doesn’t insist but I love my mom and maybe you should call yours more often.
Don’t you all talk really loud and not let others finish their sentences…
Sure, some people do. But I don’t know what that has to do with religion.
I could tell you were Jewish from looking at you.
Even though my nose is smaller than yours?
Why are you in this class? Aren’t you supposed to be a doctor or lawyer?
I love children and I want to be a teacher.
You must be thrilled that Obama is our new president, Jews love democrats.
Yet I identify myself with more conservative beliefs.
You keep arguing with everything I’m saying…that’s so Jewish of you.
No, that’s not “so Jewish of me.” That’s “so ignorant” of you.

**So I had my boyfriend read this poem after I wrote it and he wanted to know if I meant to write it as if I was having a 2-way conversation with someone. I actually meant the 2nd parts to be what I think to myself when people make stereotypical remarks to me. My thoughts may not be the nicest in the world, but I don't think stereotyping is so nice either. I like to be open to all types of diversity and think its important to learn about different cultures! I'm going to take this attitude with me as I become a teacher and hopefully I can make a difference in the way my students view the big world around them.

That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. Mal I think this is a great poem. I ask myself a lot of the same things and I feel like a lot of people think those things when they hear where I am from. I would love to spread the poem around the world so people know that we aren't like that.
